Open education resource
I am about to upload videos I have made for teaching and education. I will upload my videos on odysee.com, on this channel. You are welcome to watch and comment on the content. I do this in accordance to Open Education Resources (OER).
Pipes in R
I started using R long before RStudio were a thing. In fact, the reason I started to use Emacs was because of ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics). Emacs was a so to say IDE for R statistics. If i hade started using RStudio I may not have started using Emacs. When I started using R Dplyr…
Motivation and organisations
A really interestong youtube video about motivation and organisation (and some Linux):
Emacs config
I have upgraded my emacs-config to make it easer for others to use it. It can be downloaded from my gitlab repo. I will include a file setting everything up, but it is of course still possible to do everything manual, or just be inspired by the configs. It is still work in progress and…
Ave-command i R statistics
Imaging you have some data on unemployment: unemployment.rate <- c(0.01, 0.17, 0.19, NA, 0.21, 0.14, 0.02,NA, 0.26, 0.27, 0.21, 0.28, 0.23, 0.16, 0.1, NA, 0.23, 0.03, 0.11) cntry <- c (”SE”, ”NO”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”NO”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”DK”, ”NO”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”NO”) size <- c(”Big”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Small”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Small”,”Medium”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Big”,”Big”,”Small”) df <- data.frame(unemployment_rate,…
Save plots using ggplot2
This is how you save plots to hard drive when using gglpot. Uisng 300 dpi as resolution should be enough for publication. You have to give the height and width (five is good but use what fits you). You don’t need to scale it down to 0.8. ggsave(”~/gitlab/moralisk.org/p1.png”, dpi = 300, scale = 0.8, height…
Nextcloud on CentOS — host your own cloud
A lot of use cloud services. Cloud services can be used to sync between devices, but is also good for cooperation with colleagues. Most of us use clouds own by others, such as Google drive, Box or Dropbox. I for myself prefer to handle the cloud myself. In my opinion it should be easy to…
Family Orientation in eight countries — a moment with R
In the last post I investigated the development of individualism in several countries, with the aim to investigate if individualism is something recent in Sweden. I used an indicator which I am rather sceptical about — the relation between importance of friends and family. The more important friends are related to the family the more…
The development of individualism — a moment with R
I recently read a book about the education system in Sweden (”Glädjeparadoxen” [The paradox of Happiness]). The book is indeed interesting, dealing with the question why Swedish pupils has fallen behind in the big international tests such as PISA. However, it was another thing I found interesting. It is well known that the Swedish society…
Got any book recommendations?