Kategori: Emacs

  • Pipes in R

    I started using R long before RStudio were a thing. In fact, the reason I started to use Emacs was because of ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics). Emacs was a so to say IDE for R statistics. If i hade started using RStudio I may not have started using Emacs. When I started using R Dplyr…

  • Emacs config

    I have upgraded my emacs-config to make it easer for others to use it. It can be downloaded from my gitlab repo. I will include a file setting everything up, but it is of course still possible to do everything manual, or just be inspired by the configs. It is still work in progress and…

  • Published presentations

    Now I have produced and published several presentations — mostly on sociological theory. Check them out!

  • Making presentations in org-mode

    A couple of years ago I stoped using graphical interface such as libreoffice to do my presentations. Instead I used Latex and Beamer. The reason is that I work much faster if I don’t have to consider how it looks, but can concentrate on the content. On this website you can find some of my…

  • Org-mode

    org-mode is a program related to Emacs, which is just fantastic. It’s an easy and customizable program — like most of the emacs programs are. So what is the point with org-mode? Well, I use org-mode mostly for taking notes, keeping track on tasks and organizing/structuring text work, such as articles, evaluation of courses and…

  • Markdown is a practical tool

    Introduction Markdown is a simplified way of writing HTML-code. I have not engaged myself especially much in markdown. Yes, I have heard about, especially in relation to RStuido. However, I don’t use RStudio, except when I am teaching. And to be honest, it is here I find most use of Markdown. For example, in a…