Making presentations in org-mode

A couple of years ago I stoped using graphical interface such as libreoffice to do my presentations. Instead I used Latex and Beamer. The reason is that I work much faster if I don’t have to consider how it looks, but can concentrate on the content. On this website you can find some of my presentations here.

Recently though I found out about ox-reveal and reveal.js. I will from now on do my presentation using these instead. The reason is that it is just so easy, and the presentations is OK. It is futher easy to use gitlab or similiar to produce the presentaion on the internet.

You have to download the ox-reveal package from github. You mave have to install org-mode from elpa as well. If so follow the instruction. Be especially careful with not having org-mode on any buffer open when you do the installation.

After downloading ex-reveal put the .el-file somewhere and make a load path to it in you init-file. I made a directory in my .emacs.d-directory and put in the following code.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/ox-reveal")

Then you have to require ox-reveal

(require 'ox-reveal)

After you have done this you need to point to the path to reveal.js. In my init-file it looks like this.

(setq org-reveal-root "file:///home/dala0001/.reveal.js")

There are several themes built in reveal.js. Go to your reveal.js, css and theme. To use them just put the following code into your org-mode-file:


…where beige is the theme.

When you are done with your presentation you export it as an HTML using C-c-e R B. You can then use the html-file when doing the actual presentation.

You can further put it on the internet. The easiest way to do this is to use gitlab, github or similar. If so it is a good idea to use the reveal root (the css that is on the internet). Just put the following into you org-mode-file:








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