Etikett: R statistics
Pipes in R
I started using R long before RStudio were a thing. In fact, the reason I started to use Emacs was because of ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics). Emacs was a so to say IDE for R statistics. If i hade started using RStudio I may not have started using Emacs. When I started using R Dplyr…
Ave-command i R statistics
Imaging you have some data on unemployment: unemployment.rate <- c(0.01, 0.17, 0.19, NA, 0.21, 0.14, 0.02,NA, 0.26, 0.27, 0.21, 0.28, 0.23, 0.16, 0.1, NA, 0.23, 0.03, 0.11) cntry <- c (”SE”, ”NO”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”NO”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”DK”, ”NO”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”SE”, ”SE”, ”DK”, ”NO”) size <- c(”Big”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Small”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Small”,”Medium”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Medium”,”Big”,”Big”,”Big”,”Small”) df <- data.frame(unemployment_rate,…
How to get R up and running in Fedora Linux
It is trivial to install R in Fedora. Just type: sudo dnf install R After that you can run R in the terminal. If you want an environment to work in you can use RStudio. I use Emacs and ESS. Everything works nice up until the point you want to install a package — say…
I just, for fun, made a site to publish some handy R-codes. I have just ordered them alphabetical order. Some of the codes I don’t use anymore. Here they are anyway!