Etikett: Fedora

  • How to get R up and running in Fedora Linux

    It is trivial to install R in Fedora. Just type: sudo dnf install R After that you can run R in the terminal. If you want an environment to work in you can use RStudio. I use Emacs and ESS. Everything works nice up until the point you want to install a package — say…

  • Installing Vivaldi — the web browser

    The first post of the year! Vivaldi is a great web browser. In fact, it is so great that I now use it as my daily web browser. I will not write about why it is so great (now) — but how to install it. I am using Fedora, and Vivaldi is not in the…

  • Choose drive to Boot in Macbook Pro

    I have a Macbook pro mid 2014 on which a double boot Fedora and MacOS. I mainly use the Fedora partition, and the computer boot in to Fedora as default. But I recently noticed that the system changes the default boot drive when updating MacOS. This is a bit strange since I also have a…

  • Can you use Linux as your main work computer?

    … I don’t know – but I have used Linux as my main system for more than a year now. My first computer  was a Commodore 64 which was mainly used for playing games. Back in the 1990’s, before we had Internet, my family bought an Olivetti, which had Windows. Ever since then I have…