2017 coming to an end

2017 is coming to and end. Usually I don’t care much about these things, but this year it is symbolic — 2017 was a really bad year. The picture above represents it rather well. One crisis after another followed each other. I further had more teaching than planed. In total I did not had much time for research. I really hope 2017 becomes better. Here are something I plan to do:

  • representation among populist right-wing politicians
  • working class values and represenation among local politicians

Besides these main research topics I will do some research on the self-employed. I and two colleges have collected data among the self-employed with the help of ”Företagarna”, who organizes the small and middle sized self-employed in Sweden. I will also apply for research grants. But as a social scientist it is hard, really hard to get funding. I will also write and organize this internet site more than I have done for several years.






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